Hi Everyone,
Over the weekend the Victorian State Government decided to roll back some of the restrictions to a higher level. This was due to increases in positive cases of COVID 19 over the last week, but the good news is that for athletes under 18 we will be able to get more and more sports programs up and going as the roll backs do not affect us.
The vast majority of positive cases have occurred in and around Melbourne and in small clusters, which included family gathering of up to 20 people.
The following is the latest Victorian State Government restrictions and I have highlighted the key ones for the academy and its athletes.
- Stay safe by washing your hands, keeping your distance from others, and staying home if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell.
- If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), even if they are mild, you should get tested.
- From 11.59pm on 21 June the number of visitors you can have to your home will reduce to 5, and public gatherings will be limited to 10 people. This is because the evidence from Victoria’s Chief Health Officer suggests that there has been an increase in transmission associated with social gatherings, particularly between extended families.
- From 11.59pm on 21 June, a number of businesses including gyms, cinemas, theatres and pub TABs can open with a maximum 20 people per space, subject to the four-square metre rule.
- Businesses that can currently open, including restaurants, pubs, auction houses, community halls, libraries, museums and places of worship can continue to open with a maximum of 20 people per separate space, subject to the four-square metre rule.
- All changes to restrictions and the proposed dates are subject to the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.
From 11:59pm on 21 June
- Indoor sport and recreation activities can resume and playcentres can open, with a maximum of 20 people per space or zone, and with up to 10 people per group class. There are no limits on the number of people per group or class if all participants are 18 years old or younger.
- Indoor and outdoor swimming pools can have a maximum of 20 patrons. There is no limit on the number of people per lane in each pool.
- Change rooms and showers can open, and clubrooms at sport venues can have up to 20 people per indoor space.
- Contact sport training and competition can resume for people 18 years old or younger.
- Non-contact competitions can resume for all ages.
In a large gym or court, can multiple spaces be set up?
- From 11:59pm on 21 June, multiple separate ‘zones’ may be created within a larger indoor space. To be considered a ‘zone’, the area must be for the exclusive use of up to 20 people if participating in an individual activity and be no less than 200 metres squared.
- Up to 10 people are allowed to participate in a class per separate ‘zone’.
- Facilities must also put in place measures to manage the movement of people through communal areas, such as change rooms. For example, classes or session times could be staggered.
Tennis Squad:
On Sunday 14th June the Tennis Squad finally got back onto the courts at the Bendigo Tennis Association complex. Thank to Tennis Vic, the BTA, Matt Hicks [coach], the athletes and their families for making this return to sport so successful.
Yes, there were protocols that had to be followed but that is the least we can do under the circumstances.
Clay Target Squad:
It is planned to commence training on Sunday 5th July at the Bendigo Clay Target Association complex at Woodvale.
As with Tennis certain protocols will need to be followed and these will be communicated to the Clay target Squad this week.
Netball Squads:
The easing of restrictions for athletes under 18 is good news for our netball program, as we can now get back into some serious on court training.
Mark is currently facilitating dates with our coaches and venues to be used. Information regarding the training sessions will be provided directly to the netballers.
Th academy submitted a “return to training plan” to the state government and it has been approved.
The plan is based on the guidelines from the Australian Institute of Sport, the State & Federal Health Officers, Sport Recreation Victorian and the State & Federal Government restrictions in place at the time.
Adherence to the “Return to Training Plan” is mandatory for athletes, coaches, staff and families as we want to minimise any risk to the health of all concerned.
All attendees will be recorded and have a temperature check as part of the process.
The plan is attached as a separate document for your reference.
The Executive of the Bendigo Academy of Sport Board decided to postpone the 2020 Annual Presentation Evening further. The new date is Friday 20th November 2020.
This decision made in the light of restrictions not being eased sufficiently for it to be held in August.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this cause to families and athletes.
Hopefully by then we will have even more to celebrate.
Stay safe and healthy.
Graham Gordon